Wednesday, April 4, 2012

weeping hearts

eff you gossip girl. eff you so freaking much.

it might be too soon to tell for sure, but i don't think chuck and blair are ever going to happen again.

and i think "dair" is going to be a thing.

yuck times a million!


i took a study break and visited and omg found all sorts of ridiculousness on there.

like this bit of an interview with one of the producers:

Ok, so … It's the end of the series. You're down to the wire. You have no choice, the network has started the final countdown on the Upper East Side. Which is it gonna be at the end game: DAIR or CHAIR?

It's not the end of the series yet, so I'm not going to answer that one! Nice try, though! (I can admit, however, that Blair's decision will be very clear by the end of this season).

okay, so yeah, that was a little vague, but then there was this:

In the preview for your next episode, we saw Dan and Blair finding loooove in an elevator. How much more of that can we expect to see in the coming episodes?

Well, it won't be in an elevator, but these last run of episodes definitely turn up the heat. Especially the finale…

the finale this season turns up the heat? between dan and blair? the finale in which he said blair's decision will be very clear? and the heat will be turned up? with dan? and her?

i'm sorry. i can't censor this: FUCK!

i can't believe i'm so invested in this. i can't believe how absurdly upsetting it is to even imagine that chuck and blair won't end up together. i can't believe how much i hate dan and how much i despise blair for being with him even for a second because he is such a down grade and i can't believe how much i want the best for chuck which would be the old strong smart powerful blair but she's gone now.


get a hair cut dan you look so ugly and stupid and homeless and i hate you and your dirty overgrown locks.

end rant.

1 comment:

  1. I am cackling madly in the middle of Starbucks. Look at the lack of capitalization and punctuation, look at all of the rage. This is BEAUTIFUL. #qualityblogging
