Wednesday, March 28, 2012

i want to be forever young

Today is all about making big life decisions. Or rather, thinking about making big life decisions.

I am declared as a business major. My advisor is an art professor. Don't ask me how that happened - it just did.

I've had two meetings with him before in which I thought we both walked off frustrated. He tells me I should seek a new advisor. I don't know who in the business department to pick, because the only one I want won't take any more advisees. He can't really help me. I get annoyed and he gets annoyed and so on and so forth.

Today was different, though. What's that saying? We turned a new leaf? Yeah, I think that's it. Maybe we were both just in better moods. I don't know.

But in today's meeting he straight up told me numbers are obviously not my thing.


The business major has a lot of mathematically inclined courses. I hate math. I hate math so much because I suck at math. Excuse my poor vocabulary, but it's true. Math + Me = No Bueno. No Bueno is Spanish for Not Good, by the way. He told me he doesn't see passion in my eyes when I speak about my business courses. That made me do a little giggle snort because it's true. I don't know why I'm a business major. I guess it's because up until this semester there wasn't anything else that I really wanted to do in my life.

He told me to look into the communications major. He said that, on top of my Spanish and non-profit minors, will open so many doors for me in the future.

I think I'll listen to his advise.

Registration for the Fall starts next week, so I need to make a decision soon. I'll talk to some communications professors and see what they think.

It's a little scary, though. The whole possibly changing my major two years into college thing. It kind of feels like I've wasted so much of my time and so much of my dad's money. But an even scarier thought is thinking that if I don't make this drastic change, I might be stuck doing something that I don't love for the rest of my life.

So what if I'm an undergrad for 5 years? Or 6...or 7. Chelsea already said she'd stay here with me. She said we could get an apartment so we wouldn't be creepy old ladies still living in the dorms. I added the creepy old ladies part for dramatic effect.

I've said before that change is scary. But sometimes change is good. And sometimes we need change.

So yeah, it'll all be okay.

It always is.

I always am.

And all that jazz.

1 comment:

  1. Your big sister is a communications major! (Why I am talking in third person?)
    Aaaand - your grandbig was a IPM Journalism major.

    I highly recommend Shrikhande as an advisor!

    Let me know how I can help you
    I love you, forever and ever.

