Thursday, March 15, 2012

This has gotta be the good life.

This morning started off with me getting to school really early so I just took a nap in Jacob's car. It was great except for the part where I left my seatbelt on so my neck was a little sore for a while.

Then I went to my Macro-Economics class. I met with my professor afterwards and he's going to push our test back a week because I made a joke about him doing that. I didn't promise him anything in return, I swear!

I spent time with Mackenzie and Becca in the SGA office and was fanned by one of those cool fans without blades. I think they're called air multipliers. At least, that's what Becca called it. Sometimes I'm gullible so I can't be too sure.

Then I gave a persuasive speech in my Non-Profit Communications class. I think it went horribly. My voice was practically gone by the time I was done and I could tell how shaky it was, but my professor said she wanted to donate to all of our causes, so maybe I'm just being too hard on myself.

Today I also started my two new night classes. THEY WERE SO AWESOME!

The first one was a Family and Marriage class. My professor opened up with saying that if she did not offend us, she was not doing her job right. We talked about heteronormative families. These are families that fit society's norms, meaning the head of the household is a white, heterosexual, upper middle class male, and he has all the power. The woman stays home with the kids. Children are seen and not heard. We continued discussing how this concept is impossible for most people, yet as a society that's the goal and that is what we idolize and envy. We also talked about how wanting these things isn't necessarily wrong, we just shouldn't expect everyone to agree or conform. The class is not about family values, rather about valuing families. Ahh, it's so great!

My last class of the day is Business Communications. The professor is a mix of Oprah, and the soothing voice of a tape recorded audio book, and a grandmother. I'm a little worried because we took the MBTI Personality and Style test and everyone else in the class seemed to be an extrovert except for me. My results at the end read that my personality type is: "Idealistic, loyal to their values and to people who are important to them. Want an external life that is congruent with their values. Curious, quick to see possibilities, can be catalysts for implementing ideas. Seek too understand people and to help them fulfill their potential. Adaptable, flexible, and accepting unless a value is threatened." I thought that was pretty on point. One other thing I'm not a big fan of about the class is the fact that everyone there seemed to be around 40 years old. They were all very pleasant, but it is just such a different type of culture to be in a class where everyone has had a chance to sort of find out more about themselves and who they are, and I'm still stuck being a kid. Part of me wants to not like it because these elements put me outside of my comfort zone, but I feel like that may be exactly why I actually like it as much as I do.

After class Mackenzie and Shea took me to Steak and Shake because I hadn't eaten all day. It was 10:30 PM, so that was not okay. I'll get on a better eating schedule, I promise. I ate my avocado burger so fast I barely even breathed through it. It was delicious. I'm not a fan of burgers, but today I just happened to have a craving for one.

We also stopped by a pub down the street to say hello to one of our sisters who is in town. The place was super crowded and casual. And the bouncer let us in even though Mackenzie, Shea and I are not of age, because we promised we would be in and out and that we wouldn't consume any alcohol. Being honest pays off, you guys.

Now I'm sitting at a table with my sisters Chelsea and Mackenzie telling me how pretty I am. And how much they love me. And we're talking about name meanings. Mackenzie's first name and my name mean the same thing, purity. Chelsea's name means an airport. And we read a Wikipedia article on The Karen People. No lie, they exist. I have people. That's kind of a big deal.

Chelsea and I are staying up and watching Pocahontas. She's going to write a musical and I'm not allowed to steal it. We just pinky promised.

I'm officially on spring break. I'm going to Six Flags and the pool and having slumber parties and going to The Hunger Games midnight premiere and then to Panama City Beach with my life twin, Karen #3.

Life is too good to me.

For everyone I've mentioned in my post tonight...

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